Playing Cards Pouch

Here is a cute pouch to keep your playing cards in.

I used:
Lion Brand Cotton Ease Yarn

Size H Crochet Hook

I modified the pattern to:

String 36 beads on yarn

Foundation chain of 12

Rnds 5, 8, and 11: *Sc in 2 sts, (PB in next st, sc in next st) 5 times, PB in next st. Repeat from * once.

Button Flap: Worked over 11 sts

Row 1: Sc in 2 slip stitches, sc in 9 sc. Ch 1, turn. (11 sc)

Row 2-6: Sc in 11 sc. Ch 1, turn. (11 sc)

Row 7: Sc dec over first 2 sts, sc in 3 sts, ch 1, sk 1, sc in 2 sts, sc dec over last 2 sts. Ch1, turn. (9 sc)

Row 8: Sc dec over first 2 sts, sc in 5 sts, sc dec over last 2 sts. Fasten Off

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